This was the final rendered scene for the graphic at the end. I made the logo by doing this : ) and then rotating it by 90° on the Z axis and 90° on the x axis (red line). I then added a circle with 6 sides, inset the circle a little and remove the middle part. I then removed one of the 6 sides by mistake, but it looked nice, so I kept it. I had parented the Happy Foundations text and the logo together so that they would move together at the same time. The diamonds below show the amount of keyframes that the selected object has. I made this scene at 24 fps and I wanted it to be 2 seconds long, so I made the whole timeline 48 frames.
In DaVinci Resolve, I was adjusting the audio levels to make sure nothing was too loud or too quiet. I also used most of my sound effects from the audio library provided by DaVinci Resolve and the YouTube Studio Audio Library. By doing this I also avoided copyright infringement as I am allowed to use this music library.
This is how I color graded the second scene. I used the white balance effect to make sure what color is supposed appear whit will appear as white which will then adjust the colors of the rest of the scene. I then used a hue, saturation and lightness effect which will let me change the hue saturation and lightness of the master (all colors), red, yellow, green, blue, cyan and magenta. I increased mainly increased the saturation of red, yellow and cyan as those were the main 3 colors in this shot. I then applied a curves effect to add a little contrast to the colors in the scene. I did the 3rd scene in the same way.
This is how I had masked out what was back and what was white. The light green line shows where the mask is. Everything that is inside the green lines is in color. Everything outside of it is everything that will be in black and white. This could have been done a lot easier if I was just using 2 different mask (one for each window) and that would have made the effect a lot easier.
This is the same masking effect as before but each of those tiny squares on the timline represents one keyframe. That’s how many keyframes I had put in the 2nd scene. Each keyframe represents the animation of the mask. Which basically means for each tiny square the mask has to move to a different location.
I duplicated the clip and its mask to add the hue changing effect. this makes the color change seem a little more obvious to the viewer as it is easy to tell the difference between the B/W, the Hue change and the Normal clip. i also adjusted the roundness of the Hue mask using key frames to make the movement of the colors a little more random.
all 5 pictures above show my masking of this shot. I had to mask out every window and animate each of these masks to make sure the colors don't end up exiting the car. I did it on the first laye (8 color) i then copied and pasted the masks to do the same for the next layer (8 Hue). i the Green, Yellow, Blue and purple masks to subtract to make sure that the mask cut through the layer instead of mixing the three layers in the mask. I did this same process for the other scenes with the same effect.